COVID-19 Safety Requirements

Mask wearing at Dean/Black is optional. Some students may wish to continue to wear a mask in class and around the studio. Please know that we completely respect and support everyone’s personal choice to do so. Your safety and well-being remains our top priority. Dean/Black reserves the right to regularly review the policies and update requirements that align with the current climate of Covid-19.

Our cleaning procedures will continue in between each class. Air purifiers will continue to run in both studios and lobby. Students may enter and exit through the lobby and remain in the building between classes. The lobby will be open for parents to drop off and pick up, or for visiting the office for payments, purchases or questions. We ask that you observe class for a short time before or after class. Our lobby cannot accommodate and lot of parents or observers waiting for students.

If you or your dancer does test positive or you suspect you have Covid-19 and have been in a dance class in the last 24 hours, we ask that you contact the office.  We can then let the students in that class be aware of the exposure. We also ask that if you or your dancer are not feeling well to please stay home.